The Perimenopause Podcast

Vandghie is a Integrative Dietitian and Executive & Peak Performance Coach. She helps successful female entrepreneurs and executives to navigate the waters of perimenopause and menopause in a way that will lead to peak mental and physical performance. Perimenopause is affecting women in business in a major way, leading to lower productivity, overwhelm, anxiety and burnout. Learning to thrive through perimenopause means higher profits in your business, putting the spark back in your marriage and being the best mum that you can possibly be. Perimenopause is a normal reproductive phase that women in their 30s and 40s go through, so you’re guaranteed to experience some of these symptoms at some stage of your reproductive development. Through this podcast, I share the experiences and symptoms of perimenopause and some practical things that you can start implementing so you can regain your energy, mental clarity, emotional wellbeing and ultimately increase your revenue and business growth. I’m honoured to have you!

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101: The Final Episode!

Thursday May 09, 2024

Thursday May 09, 2024

I’ve served women on the Perimenopause Podcast for about 100 episodes over 2 years and it’s been a great joy!
But this is the very last episode…
Today I’m sharing the backstory of why I’m retiring this podcast and where I’m heading next.
I’d absolutely love for you to come with me, so you can find my brand new podcast, Self-less Care, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all other podcast platforms.
So tune in to today’s episode and hear me spill the tea!

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

In this monumental 100th episode of the Perimenopause Podcast, I'm sharing some really exciting news of why I'm changing EVERYTHING about my podcast AND business after 100 episodes.
Having seen numerous women business owners suffer severe burnout due to hormonal imbalances caused by perimenopause, I've decided to narrow down my focus specifically to female entrepreneurs
The upcoming episodes will introduce a brand-new, rebranded focus on the lifestyle factors affecting women's hormones, and less of the specific hormonal physiology. The podcast will provide insights on topics such as self-worth, family, past trauma, and how they impact women's hormonal health and wellness. I'll be bringing on some of my most loved experts to help you build your business in a holistic way, from health and wellness, to business strategy and everything in between.
While this change may not be a perfect fit for all my current listeners, this hub will focus on high-achieving women to find comprehensive information and support during their perimenopause & entrepreneurial journey.
This episode marks the beginning of a new era for the Perimenopause Podcast (soon to be rebranded), as well as my continued commitment to reaching and supporting as many women navigating these challenges as possible.
I hope you'll enjoy this episode and hang around for the next 100 episodes!
If you'd love to get in touch with me, you can find me here:

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

Burnout sounds like a big word, which won't affect us personally.
But burnout can sneak in unnoticed and steal your joy, energy, motivation, business, relationships and health!
In this episode I share:
- the difference between stress and burnout;- the difference between burnout and depression;- the 12 stages of burnout- the major causes of burnout (yes, like having an A-type personality);- the early signs of burnout; and- the proactive steps you can take to prevent or recover from burnout.
If this episode has shed some light on your need for an action plan to prevent or recover from burnout, let's have a conversation.  I'd love to help you get there.  You can book a complimentary call here.

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

While HRT offers substantial health benefits, there are some key considerations in determining if this is the right step for you. 
I've recently had a few questions around the use of HRT (yes, there has been a massive hype on social media about this) and I think it's important to see it as a short-term solution, not the ultimate fix, to hormonal imbalances. 
In this episode I discuss the important steps to consider when you think about 'fixing' your hormone imbalance during perimenopause and the key, foundational steps to take FIRST before considering any pharmaceutical drugs (which includes Hormone Replacement Therapy - HRT).
I also mention some pretty helpful herbal remedies that I've used with my clients and on myself and that you should try also BEFORE considering HRT.
If you would like to talk through your personalized health strategy, including supplements and herbal remedies, I'd love to help you determine what the best next step is for you.  So book a free discovery call here.

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

In this episode, Vandghie takes a critical look at popular health trends popularised by successful female entrepreneurs on social media channels and  emphasizes the importance of foundational health principles over fleeting trends.
Key Takeaway: Health crazes are not a replacement for foundational health strategies.
00:01:31 - 00:02:29 Host talks about taking a break and the importance of self-care
00:02:29 - 00:05:57 Discusses health trends and crazes
00:05:57 - 09:53 Importance of foundational health strategies
00:09:53 - 11:24 The five key takeaways (see below)
Five Key Takeaways:
Nutrition: Focus on nourishing your body with regular meals. Plan your meals and prioritize breakfast.
Movement: Move your body regularly in a way you enjoy.
Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is essential for health and well-being.
Nervous System Regulation: Techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help manage stress.
Support: Build a support network of people who can encourage and help you.
Call to Action:Book a complimentary zoom call with me and let's determine what the best first step would be in your health strategy.

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

In this engaging episode of the Perimenopause Podcast, I interview my dear friend and esteemed business strategist, Jan Ditchfield.
Jan shares the transformative improvement she experienced by tackling her hormonal imbalances head-on.
This conversation highlights the substantial impact of addressing perimenopause and hormonal imbalances on diverse aspects of a woman's life, including business success. 
Simple changes in Jan's daily routine, led to enhanced work productivity, resulting in larger successful launches and overall business growth. 
Discover how investing in your wellness can optimally fuel your business growth and prevent burnout in this enriching episode.
If you're managing health challenges and wish to weave your health plan seamlessly into your business strategy for peak performance, book your free call with me here.
Learn more about Jan here:No BS Business School Podcast www.janditchfield.coInstagram:

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

Things are a bit different than usual around here this week...
This episode centers around a must-listen Q&A session with my dear friend, Jan Ditchfield, an expert business strategist and the questions that she gets from her clients.  Jan invited her clients to submit their burning questions around perimenopause and business growth, which she directs to me in this fun interactive episode.
Dive into conversations about managing burnout, recognising its signs, and establishing wellness plans. We talk about stress, magic foods, supplements, how to use your hormones to make more money and planning your business launches around your menstrual cycle.
Make sure to join my FREE upcoming Peak Performance Bootcamp, you can save your seat here.Episode summary:
Vandghie announces a different Q&A style episode focusing on perimenopause and its impact on business.
Her guest, Jan Ditchfield, a business strategist, have received questions from her clients who are women in business and are asking these questions to Vandghie.
Jan has experienced health challenges and become an advocate for health as part of a business strategy.
Importance of Health in Business
Vandghie emphasizes that health and business strategy are interconnected.
Excellent business strategy and support are needed, but so is a health strategy.
Question 1: Burnout vs. Rough Patch
Rebecca asks how to distinguish between burnout and a rough patch in business.
Burnout is complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion, leading to an inability to function normally.
It's a culmination of a process, not a sudden event.
Rough patches are common, but not addressing them can lead to burnout.
It's crucial to be mindful of your body's signals and implement a wellness plan to prevent burnout.
Question 2: Stress and Burnout
Jennifer asks about stress and its role in burnout, along with how to manage it.
Stress is a major contributor to burnout, especially when you lack tools and support to manage it.
Healthy stress can be motivating, but stress without a recovery plan leads to burnout.
Stress can be physiological (not eating, sleeping, or exercising enough) or emotional (worrying).
Vandghie emphasizes the importance of managing both physiological and emotional stress.
Implementing systems and processes reduces mental stress.
Listeners are encouraged to tune in next week for the full interview with Jan Ditchfield.

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Make sure to join the upcoming Peak Performance Bootcamp, save your seat here.
Welcome to another episode of the Perimenopause Podcast hosted by Vandghie, a Dietitian, Peak Performance & Executive Coach and entrepreneur.  This podcast is a lifeline for ambitious women looking to draw the link between hormonal health and business success.
In this episode, we delve into the concept of the Chief Health Officer (CHO) in the workspace, and how it is undeniably influential in maintaining a successful business, especially for women navigating through perimenopause. From addressing a range of physical and emotional challenges to discussing topics often overlooked by doctors, this episode is packed with useful insights, personal experiences, and specialist advice.
Vandghie emphasizes the importance of wellness in the work environment, revealing that businesses that prioritize health could see a return on investment as high as $6 for every dollar spent. Join the conversation, discover the unexpected link between your health and business prosperity, and gear up for a journey of self-discovery and ultimate wellness.
Why should health not be an essential part of your business strategy? In this discussion, we discuss the role of a CHO in preventing burnout and stress often seen in high-performance enterprises and how they can steer your business to success. From hormonal shifts to creating a wellness-driven culture, discover how core health concerns can be addressed and prevented.
If you're dealing with specific women’s health issues like perimenopause or are in need of preventive health measures, tune in and discover how a CHO could profoundly shift the trajectory of women in business. Ignoring health can significantly affect productivity and profits, so join this essential conversation about making health wellness a prioritized part of your business strategy for ongoing success.
Take the next step and join the Peak Performance Bootcamp program here. Dive into specifics about personal hormonal profiles, their interplay with business performance, and strategies for integrating wellness into your business activities for improved growth and productivity. Start prioritizing your health today and propel your business to a whole new level of success.

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Join The Peak Performance Bootcamp here.
The common message out there paints success as good business growth and performance and a revenue of 6 or 7 figures.For me, success has a much deeper meaning than this.  It's once we can define our idea of success, that we know how to stop paying for our business success with our health and relationships 
Key Takeaways:
Success is not just measured by financial gain or business performance. It also includes the quality of your relationships, health, and personal fulfilment.
Signs you're paying for business success with your health:
Reduced energy levels
Weight gain
Impaired gut health
No intentionality with meals and movement
Signs you're paying for business success with your relationships:
Reduced enjoyment from your career/business
Yelling at your kids regularly
No hobbies or holidays
No dates or romantic breaks
5 Strategies to Stop Paying for Business Success with Your Health & Relationships:
Set health KPIs (key performance indicators): These could be things like daily walks, date nights, or quiet time.
Set boundaries: Decide what is and is not acceptable in your work and personal life and hold yourself accountable.
Schedule your health: Schedule meals, walks, and other self-care activities in your calendar.
Schedule your relationships: Schedule date nights, family activities, and other time for connection.
Develop self-awareness: Identify the thought patterns that are sabotaging your health and relationships.
Make sure to my upcoming, FREE 5-day Peak Performance Bootcamp to learn more about identifying and addressing burnout and hormonal imbalances.
00:00 Intro
01:23 Importance of defining success
04:35 Signs you're paying for success with your health
09:23 Signs you're paying for success with your relationships
13:38 5 strategies to stop paying for success with health & relationships
18:23 Invitation to the Peak Performance Bootcamp
23:00 Conclusion

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Make sure to download my free Energy Restore Kit here to assess your burnout risk and get practical recommendations to get rid of fatigue, overwhelm and burnout and get back to PEAK PERFORMANCE...
Burnout, fatigue and overwhelm is common among high performing women.  It's crucial to recognize the symptoms of fatigue before burnout makes it's home in your life.
In this episode, I focus on:
The 5 most common symptoms experienced by women in business:
Fatigue and even burnout
Low mood or depression
Weight gain, specifically around the midsection
Stress is the leading cause of chronic illness. Chronically elevated cortisol levels due to constant stress can lead to a domino effect of health problems.
However, stress is also an important aspect of business growth. We need stress to push ourselves and avoid complacency. The key is to have a recovery plan in place to manage stress and prevent burnout.
When we experience stress without a recovery plan, our bodies are impacted in 5 major areas:
Hormones (disrupted by high cortisol, leading to issues like low progesterone and testosterone)
Inflammation in the gut and brain (contributing to anxiety, brain fog, and low mood)
Decreased liver function and increased toxicity (leading to weight gain and fatigue)
Decreased thyroid function and neurotransmitters (causing fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating)
These issues can then lead to burnout, adrenal fatigue, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic conditions.
It's important to address all of these affected areas to regain vitality. This can be done through stacking micro habits, which are small, easy-to-implement changes that can have a significant impact on your health and well-being.
4 Micro Habits to Help Prevent Burnout:
Have breakfast within an hour of waking up, ideally containing protein. This helps regulate blood sugar and prevent cortisol spikes.
Never have coffee or caffeine on an empty stomach. This can lead to major cortisol spikes and disrupt hormone regulation.
End your day with a balanced dinner that includes some complex carbohydrates. This helps stabilize blood sugar and prepare your body for sleep.
Master your sleep by going to bed before 10 pm whenever possible. Quality sleep is essential for cell repair and rejuvenation.
Make sure to download my free Energy Restore Kit here to assess your burnout risk and get practical recommendations to get rid of fatigue, overwhelm and burnout and get back to PEAK PERFORMANCE...
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The episode transcript is available on the podcast website.


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Vandghie 2023

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